If I Could Fly Tonight

If I could fly tonight,
To places I’ve never seen,
My arms with the power to witness first hand
great deeds accomplished by woman and man
or worse know suffering,
What would I choose,
soaring above these incredible views,
peering below
my landing, my voice
where do I go,
what is my choice,
Would I plan to see such glorious sites,
As the Seven Wonders of the World by night,
The Taj Mahal, The Northern Lights,
Angel Falls or World Castles by name,
The great cathedrals from London to Spain,
I could take the train from Koblenz to Koln
See the Ancient Ruins in Rome,
Ride a Gondola in Venice today,
but being away, almost gone astray
I’d miss what is always real
So I wouldn’t need to fly this far
since what I seek is where you are
You’re the sight I’d choose to see
with you is where I’d want to be
I’d choose you.
The love I know.
hold you close
the tears would flow
we’d share a tea
and our company
we could say a little or a lot
thank you for the lessons taught
memories kept to bring me home
these wings a gift for when I’d flown,
feeling at peace, all would be right,
this is the flight plan I chart tonight

by Barbara Tremblay Cipak, Copyright

3 thoughts on “If I Could Fly Tonight”

  1. It is touching, u expressed it for all of us. I hope i have u r permission to copy it and send it to my wife. Tks.

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