His Undying Love

Each story that makes to the reels are inspired from real life incidents. Today, I bring to you one such real life story filled with varied emotions. The hero of this story has requested me to keep him as anonymous and I respect that request.

My role in this story: A listener and wordsmith.

This story hails back to the time when WhatsApp and Messenger were very new and the least used. The only mode of communication were Sms and phone calls. He belonged to a lower middle class family, a Bihari lad, from Deoghar, who gave up his studies in the initial phase of his life to help with the family business and to ensure that his brother’s receive optimum resources for everything. A bright student and a social activist known to many. He chose to pursue Arts after 12th standard so that he could give maximum time to the family. While his elder brother was pursuing Engineering somewhere outside, he was here struggling to establish the business. Once his brother completed engineering and secured a job, he asked his sibling to get enrolled for MBA, as prospects of job after MBA during that time were high.

He listened to the advice and took admission. During that time, there was a craze for banking examinations and every lad and lady was busy preparing the same. His MBA classes had the same course structure as that of banking and he started attending classes. This is where he met her. A pretty, 5.1 height, Bengali girl. Tolerant and silent in nature, unique from the rest. Gradually they started talking, a group of 5-6 friends, including her. Now, like I said, SMS was the main mode and it played its charm.

Baby, as he addressed her was engaged with someone else at that time, like she said, possibly to keep stalkers and lovers at bay. But that did not stop him from letting his emotions grow. One particular evening, they were chatting with each other, and by the time, their messages ended, both realized that they feel for each other and the emotions are from both ends. The next day at coaching, each one tried to convince the other, that the chat was casual and there was nothing blooming between them. But after all, they are emotions and cannot be controlled. He finally mastered the courage and proposed her, knowing the fact, that she possibly was engaged with someone else. She took her own sweet time, and after a gap of 13 days, finally accepted the fact that she loved him too. During this period, he already had his joining letter in hand as a Clerk in some bank, and was planning to join there. Later she did confess that the whole engaged thing was a lie and she did that just to ensure no one takes too much interest in her. She grew up with her aunt who did not have any children. Life was not a bed of roses for her either. She had her own hardships but she never uttered a word about those.

A romantic journey followed suit. Meeting secretly, spending romantic evenings together, and much more. Travelling 70 kms and dropping her 10 kms ahead of home on a friend’s bike, she even bought him a T-shirt and made him wear it on the road, one of the most touched moments for him as he described.

He was posted at Garhwa then, but the distance never decreased their love, they still used to find time for each other. One night, everything changed. It was the darkest night of his life, he did not receive any message from her, no call either. He was tensed and could not figure out what went wrong. They had always kept their relationship under the wraps, there was just one friend who knew, and he reached out to him for help. A conference call was made, and she just said, we will talk tomorrow and disconnected. He could not sleep the whole night, the next day, she called and just said, we cannot talk much from now. On the other hand, his mother too was behaving weird. His mother spoke to his friend, and finally he came to know, that someone had blurted about them at home.

He left his job and went to Patna to continue his coaching. He had also appeared for a few bank/PO examination in the meanwhile. Luckily secured places in four of the examinations. Communication between them had become so scarce, seemed everything was coming to an end. But he still had his hopes high. She had unfortunately lost her father in the meantime. He wanted to be by her side, but she asked him not to. He did perform all the rituals in the Bengali tradition as a Bengali groom would do for his dead father in law.

Things had escalated very quickly. Her mother forced her to marry the boy she had chosen for her. Her mother forcibly blackmailed her, she locked herself in a room and poured kerosene over her, and threatened her daughter that she would burn herself down, if she declined to the marriage. She was left with no other resorts than to comply.

He tried all means to convince her, went to her exam centre, asked her the truth, and even said, he would do everything to keep this relationship alive. His family was in support, he even made her speak to his mother. She was convinced for a while, but the next day, she again used to change. He even tried to convince her mother, but she just said, if you believe I am your mother, please leave my daughter.

All this while, he just prayed and cried for things to fall in place. His joining was due, he had to move more than 1000 km from Deoghar to join his new job in a nationalised bank. Even from here, he tried to convince her as much as he could. But she could not afford losing her mother and was scared. 18th July, 2011, they spoke for the last time, she asked him not to call her anymore and that her marriage was in 2 days. Life just came to a standstill for him. He had lost the urge to live life. All he did was cry and cry, he was not at all at peace.

With her marriage, a beautiful love story came to a tragic end. Today, she is married and possibly happy with her family. Even he is married and has a beautiful kid, but as it is said, no matter what, love never dies down and never will!

Let’s hope, in another world, their love story blooms and they never have to part from each other ever.





1 thought on “His Undying Love”

  1. Jamie hughes

    My husband loves me and he’s going down hill and I’m worried cause I don’t want anything to do with him.

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