“Sir” Salman Rushdie, As a Writer, You Don’t Have Any Right to Publicly Declare That Marriage Is Not Necessary.

Well-known and controversial Author Salman Rashdie has declared that marriages are not necessary and that women gear up for big day just to wear a WEDDING GOWN.

He said: “Girls like it, especially if they’ve never been married before — it’s the dress. Girls want a wedding, they don’t want a marriage. If only you could have weddings without marriages.”

These are the words from Indian-origin writer Salman Rushdie. He doesn’t think marriage is “necessary”. He also adds: – “It’s strange, given that I’ve been married four times, but I actually don’t think marriage is necessary,” Salman said in an interview for Elle magazine.

It’s really shocking!

A writer is as good as God, who shapes up the characters with different beliefs, different ideology and put them on the paper and creates a fictional world with certain positive purpose which inspires society to be better human being. A writer has certain responsibilities in our society. A writer’s thoughts should improve the way of our life.

“Sir” Salman Rashdie Sahab – whether it’s a east or west – let me tell you, we are born and brought up in a society where marriage is believed to be a sacred institution and it should be given due respect. As a writer, you have certain responsibilities towards the society in which you are living. You have forgotten them completely. How a person like your stature can make such kind of irresponsible statements and attack on marriage institution as a whole.

One of my friends told me: “After all, what one can expect from the person who tied knot for four times and looking for fifth!?

He is right. Absolutely right.

A small joke: What a name Salman Rushdie? Salman RushDie… isn’t is funny & suggesting us for something great that he has in store for himself.

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