Bonding the time away

Mobile phone, a device which keeps us connected. Are we really connected? I mean I know what’s happening with everyone. Do we know how they feel about it? A bunch of notifications flashing on your screen has one important reminder and you ignore because you are not interested anymore. You set the reminder because you don’t want your partner to crib anymore. Are you interested in celebrating that? Or has it just become one of those occasions you show up at only to make aware of your presence.

The good old days. Ah! They were so precious that people actually took time to write letters to each other. Pouring feelings onto the pages and waiting for a reply, no! Don’t mistake it for a messaging application. No! It took days and months to get a reply. Nowadays, we have several messaging applications yet we don’t have that kind of sensation when we see texts.

A quick movement of your fingers make and break a plan.

Sarah (wife) sets the reminder for her anniversary. Her job keeps her so busy, that now she has to look at her phone for every little personal thing. Her Anniversary is just few days away and she has no idea. In the morning, she has breakfast and says, “bye” to her husband in a hurry. “Bye” is a dull remark for her husband. Having travelled a lot of space in time, their bond is strong. But, the negligence towards each other sure makes their journey bumpy sometimes and that’s normal. After a few years of marriage their negligence has turned into ignorance. A marriage starts to feel like a job when you don’t care to entertain the needs of your partner.

Bonding is a forever thing. If it lacks, then my friend you’ll have a lot of problems. The ride is not going to be bumpy, it’s going to jump like you don’t want to come back to the ground. Loving each other is definitely vital to your relationship. But I am talking about making the other person feel loved, that’s what tells you how you’ll grow with that person.

Sarah is a good wife. She does everything by the book. She calls Neil twice or thrice, however, she is missing something. Neil doesn’t know how his wife feels or what she wants to do this anniversary, since they stopped Bonding. After a few days, she checks her phone and there she sees the notification. She sees the notification, and immediately she runs out to get Neil a gift before he finds out. During the discovery of such an event, joy of celebration has taken a back seat. she is more worried about Neil finding out that she forgot her anniversary rather than wanting to celebrate. Neil, on other hand planned the whole night. He is still a little sceptic.

The night has arrived, and Sarah is still out.

Neil picks his phone and calls her. She is not answering.

He is about to go outside and he finds her sitting on stairs weeping. Sarah stands up and hugs him while saying sorry again and again. Neil says “It’s okay. I know.”

Sarah pauses and kisses him.

Her phone starts ringing. Switching her phone off, she goes inside with Neil.

Now, she knows how to balance both. Not giving attention to one would certainly give rise to difficulties.

It’s easy to enter into a relationship having not known the aspects of living in that relationship. You are astounded when you see an old couple still in young love. One thinks it’s rare to find someone to be in true love. What if you have found someone, and still not feeling like it’s the one. When you go through huddles and still come out to be strong, may be then you will realize. You have found it. Giving time to someone and something always gives you the answer.

In this century, we all are a career oriented people. Jobs take the first position. I agree that’s how it should be. Though, marriage and job should go hand in hand. Moreover, they should complement each other.

Mobile phone is not just a device anymore. It has acquired a place in our life, where we are so dependent on it. Doing anything without a phone feels like a missing piece from a puzzle. Everyone knows its basic pros and cons. Connectivity is great when you can’t meet. Not connecting with the person who is so close to you doesn’t seem like a good idea.

You pick you phone to call your wife,

Do you really know, what she does this time?

Your responsibilities towards your wife

is not only to provide,

the time you take out to do your job

take a minute to be with her,

keep your phone aside,

and you’ll find,

the happiness that resides in the very same heart of your wife.

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