Husband’s Role In A Healthy And Lasting Marriage

A husband has to perform many important role for working his marriage successfully.He and his wife must work equally towards marital growth and responsibility together.

Traditionally man is the provider who is expected to satisfy the physical,psychological and spiritual needs of his wife.Therefore,the husband dominates the family and is the decision maker.Some mens may also take their wife’s opinion in decision making.Such dealings is mutually satisfying as the wife feels that she is an important part of the family.She feels happy that her wishes and desires too are considered.She feels that her husband is sensitive towards her needs.Lastly,the husband needs to know what roles he need to follow and set an example for others.

Loving your wife:

Love is always present in a successful marriage.A husband needs to love his wife as his own body.He has to nurture and take care of his marriage as well as his wife.Love is not only being romantic but being commited to each other in good and bad times.

Expressing verbally and non verbally:

A husband has to let his wife know how much he cares and loves her.This is shown very often in early times of marraige but gradually tends to reduce.The husband needs to express it verbally by saying he loves her.Non verbally he can express by taking her out alone,giving gifts,calling her up frequently in a day,complimenting her.This will help keep the marraige alive which becomes difficult with the passage of time.

Role model:

Often husband is the role model for the entire family.The wife and childrens is the reflection of the husbands attitude.The husband builds up the character of his wife.Therefore a husband must take care and realise his importance in his family.

Being polite:

A man should be polite and considerate towards his wife.He should not treat her like an object but as a normal human being with equall emotions and feelings.He must respect her individuality and her needs.

Being appreciative:

A husband must try to give his wife appropriate recognition.It is often seen that a husband fails to appreciate his wifes efforts and the love she demonstrates.Try to appreciate the food she makes,the way she dresses her up for you,the way she understands you non verbal gestures,the way she try’s to de-stress you.

Husband should be careful of the following things:

-Never criticize your wiife in public nor should you criticize her behavior which you know is unchangeable
-Never compare your wife with your friends wife or any other women
-Never keep any harsh feelings inside your heart while going to bed.If you are angry share it with your spouse.Allow each other time and space and forgive each other.
-Have realistic expectations from your wife and help her,give her enough support to achieve each others goal.

1 thought on “Husband’s Role In A Healthy And Lasting Marriage”


    Thank you my dear friend,

    I have red your article on relationship of husband and wife and it is very fantastic and touch my feeling due to, in the last you have written as “if she have unchangeable character, don’t try to change her”. Because every time, i had a same problem with my spouse.

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