An Arranged Marriage

photo finger art of happy marriage

The thought of tying a nuptial bond has always freaked the hell out of young ladies. And why not? After all, marriage is not a piece of cake. It brings in responsibilities and a sense of maturity. But the irony is- “Somewhere, someday, you would get married and things would be never as before.”

It is easier to get married to a person you know, but when the case is an arranged marriage, it becomes pretty difficult and weird. Obviously, who would like to spend the rest of her life whom she has never met or known? How would she adjust? What would she talk about? Will he ever understand her? Thousands of thoughts certainly flood your mind and you are overwhelmed.

Destiny is a master who acts at his own accord. Shalini, never wanted to be settled. And specifically not by an arranged marriage at all. It so happened, that on one fine morning, a family turned up at her doors and within a week, everything was set up. Nobody asked her will and this somewhere triggered a negative emotion in her for the guy even before she knew him.

Today, it is ten years of her successful marriage. And to be more specific, it is her marriage anniversary today. What better a day can one chose to share this and help the other girls going through the same dilemma somewhere in other parts of the world?

Shalini, sharing her experience said- “It was very difficult, trust me. I hated the person initially. Not that he had done something to offend me, but it was only because no one ever asked me if I wanted to get married. On the first night, I was so uncomfortable with his presence in the room. He could sense it and he was such a gentleman. We spoke in bits and parts that night. He did not even hold my hand. Just smiled and said, we have lots of time for this. Let’s be friends and try to know each other. He even did not sleep in that room.”

The next morning, he was up before me and made me coffee, which to be honest was disgusting. But then, the efforts matter. Later, the maid told me, that he has never stepped into the kitchen before that day. He has always been the Mamma’s boy. I was touched.

Months passed by, and we did not even realize when we started understanding each other so well. After six months, he proposed me and I said- Yes! Although, we were married but it was more of finding love and a boyfriend (who technically was my husband) after marriage.

Today, I pray to God for giving me him. I couldn’t have been luckier. Today, I urge all the ladies out there standing on the aisle of marriage, go ahead and embrace it. Accept him and most of all respect and give your bond a chance and I am sure it would blossom like mine.

“All the best ladies, get married and get a love life after marriage (*wink)!”

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