
Have you asked yourself these questions before getting married ?

Marriage is serious business, you are committing to each other and to building a life with each other ‘for better and for worse’  – for the rest of your life. Nobody enters into a marriage with the intention for it to end prematurely. Therefore, this commitment of marriage should be carefully considered. So that your […]

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Do Zodiacs Affect Relationships: A Sneek Peek

Does Astrology impact your marriage and relationship ? What’s your sign? Does it matter? You might think that scientists are above answering such questions, but you’d be wrong. Do they affect relationships and how is what we’ll talk about today. But, before that let us take a quick look into what these zodiacs are characterized by,

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DAD : A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love

“Father! To God Himself we cannot give a holier name.” said William Wordsworth. His values embraced family, reveled in the social mingling of the kitchen, and above all, welcomed the loving disorder of children. Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development. I

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What are the bigger requisites of a relationship than looks and money

Money can’t buy you love, and, for that matter, neither can looks or an amazing job or any kind of outside material at all. We all know this, but what are the things really more important in a marriage. Here are the few major things that are prioritized over money and external beauty. 1. The

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