
Relation between a husband and wife requires honesty, trust and faith

Swarna an independent woman who decided to stay out of marriage because she did not found revealing. She was happy with her life 8 to 12 hours of the job then return back home sit and relax for hours having lunch with her family and then a sound sleep. Weekends would not have been better […]

Relation between a husband and wife requires honesty, trust and faith Read More »

Have you asked yourself these questions before getting married ?

Marriage is serious business, you are committing to each other and to building a life with each other ‘for better and for worse’  – for the rest of your life. Nobody enters into a marriage with the intention for it to end prematurely. Therefore, this commitment of marriage should be carefully considered. So that your

Have you asked yourself these questions before getting married ? Read More »

ME TIME amidst the WE TIME

Every relationship is a balancing act with personal space—between personalities, between wants and needs, and between spending time together and giving yourselves time apart. Once your relationship has gone through the initial phase, you’ll  just get to the point where your personal space has become a priority again Spending time away from your partner doesn’t

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A Good Relationship Starts With A Good Communication

If you’ve been in a relationship or married for any length of time, chances are you’ve hit a bump or two and experienced what you might consider to be marriage problems. I would also put money on the fact that you’ve probably had an issue or two specifically related to communication in marriage. Guess what: You’re

A Good Relationship Starts With A Good Communication Read More »

Disagreements between Married Couples : Causes And Cure

Disagreements or Conflict is common to all marriages, and the sources of disagreement listed below may not surprise you. As you read them, however, consider which ones apply to you and your spouse. CAUSES OF DISAGREEMENTS BETWEEN COUPLES : 1. Money This cause of conflict represents a lot of stuff, namely control, power and trust.

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Do Zodiacs Affect Relationships: A Sneek Peek

Does Astrology impact your marriage and relationship ? What’s your sign? Does it matter? You might think that scientists are above answering such questions, but you’d be wrong. Do they affect relationships and how is what we’ll talk about today. But, before that let us take a quick look into what these zodiacs are characterized by,

Do Zodiacs Affect Relationships: A Sneek Peek Read More »

DAD : A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love

“Father! To God Himself we cannot give a holier name.” said William Wordsworth. His values embraced family, reveled in the social mingling of the kitchen, and above all, welcomed the loving disorder of children. Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development. I

DAD : A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love Read More »

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