
Verily, marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth. Anything that comes to the earth becomes a part of the society. Marriage is a social institute where two social beings have to abide by certain social norms and rules to make their marriage work. We have a team of expert counsellors who specialize in marriage and each and everything related to it. Get in touch with one of our marriage counsellors today to make your married life happy and heavenly.

Do Zodiacs Affect Relationships: A Sneek Peek

Does Astrology impact your marriage and relationship ? What’s your sign? Does it matter? You might think that scientists are above answering such questions, but you’d be wrong. Do they affect relationships and how is what we’ll talk about today. But, before that let us take a quick look into what these zodiacs are characterized by,

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DAD : A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love

“Father! To God Himself we cannot give a holier name.” said William Wordsworth. His values embraced family, reveled in the social mingling of the kitchen, and above all, welcomed the loving disorder of children. Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development. I

DAD : A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love Read More »

The Adoption Takes Time But Love Arrives Instantly

However Motherhood Comes To You, It’s A Miracle. Married couples often face diificulties of not being able to bear child of their own. They often opt for artificial concepts and adoption. Adoption today is not only out of inability to reproduce, rather it is a form of will. charity, love and social gesture. Married couples considering

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Recognizing and Treating Silent Treatment in Relationships

A strong message through some simple words,” Don’t give people so much power over you that their silence leaves you questioning your worth.” Abuse in relationships takes various forms like neglect, violence, physical assault , sexual assault and verbal abuse. But, there is a much ignored and often “silent killer” in relationships which has more

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Why Relationship Conflicts and their Reoccurring are good for your marriage

Have you read about the Achilles heel and read it definition online anytime? “An Achilles’ heel is a weakness in spite of overall strength, which can lead to downfall. “ So, what is the Achilles heel of any relationship or a marriage? —It is a Reoccuring Relationship Conflict. Every couple is madly in love with

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