Author name: Tanvi Kumar

Hi My name is Tanvi, I am a freelance journalist and a writer. Love to express and connect to people. My writings are essentially a part of me. Mainly done writing, involving different styles, from educational to spirituality and travel to various facets of lifestyle.Always been inclined to art. Explored and experimented with all sorts of art. Be it painting on a canvas, creating a wonderland with edibles that tickles your palate, chiseling an attractive world of ideas that can be conceptualized into something working or simply sculpting a world with words with a tang of personal touch. Coming to think of it, anything starting right from crafting, cooking, ideating. Love them all.Besides that, I have a great interest in tarot and spirituality and I feel both of them go hand in hand. Iam an impulsive Tarot Reader, Rider Waite and plain playing cards being among my favourites. Like to think it’s a Devine tool guidance. Omnipotent has means and ways to reach us and is above everything and everyone. Right from the beginning I always found myself penning down my most heartfelt experiences which would always lend such great sense of fulfillment, almost cathartic! Before I realized it grew as a passion and all my strongly felt emotions, experiences, spun into poems, prose and articles. Never hesitated to pen down any promptings that I felt coming from within.This is who I am, this is what I do, I write. Just a few words about who Iam. Iam a mum of a two year old. And oh! No it’s not easy being a mum! Is it? But it’s surely worth all the hard work. And that’s how my freelance career kicked off. Ever since I had my little man, I found it rather tough to juggle between work and looking after the non-stop demands of a little wailing baby. I had turned almost a zombie when I reluctantly decided to freelance. Coz I loved my job at Morrisons. my career didn’t quite start as a writer, though always writing, never disconnecting from the writer inside me, I continued looming up a world of words that found its expression in varied forms. Like any other 20 year old I was enamored by the thought of being independent and the quickest way to do it was a BPO! Well who doesn’t like making money? To be fair, it wasn’t all that bad actually. I realized I loved to connect to people, loved to have a nice laugh with them, strike a rapport, try to help them with all my capacity. Soon, I had a calling from within surely that’s not what I wanted to do, I wanted to write, to express, to reach to people. Which is when Times Group happened; I was a part of online division. Always having a bent towards doing something creative. Times threw me an opportunity to do just that. The job required to me ideate, conceptualize, write for different events. What I enjoyed most was the radio bit, I have sung jingles, broadcasted the forecast subjects Tarot and Astrology. It was all so creative and fun at the same time. Getting married, straight after which I had to leave the job as we moved to the UK, where I started working as a freelance journalist, writer, content developer, alongside working at Morrisons at customer service. Been a part of Aceville Publications, Edge Allen, Morrisons in house magazine. All of us have dreams and aspirations in life. And so do I To be successful, to make a difference. That’s what I would like to do, that’s what I aspire to be.

Pent up-repressed-subdued, he is only a little boy who needs to heal!

Do you see this little boy? Take a good look You wanna get to know him, he is adorable, he is beautiful inside out, just lost… Been been HERE thrice Felt him twice Helpless it feels, keep staring at him So beautiful, so handsome a pure ‘hymn’ Look to find a vulnerable deeply wounded  little

Pent up-repressed-subdued, he is only a little boy who needs to heal! Read More »

How to spot the ‘change of heart,’ relationship alert!

Why are relationships so difficult to maintain?    More so when the relationships are still at the budding stage, blossoming. Rocketing hopes everyday, building expectations, desiring attention and yourself giving utmost attention at the start.   The feelgood factor takes over you, overwhelming you in the ways you can’t imagine. Life is all sun, flowers,

How to spot the ‘change of heart,’ relationship alert! Read More »

What to do when the venom of misunderstanding spills?

You feel like you have lost something and THAT something needed to fall apart, fall away. Fall away NOT to make you suffer and  continuously be tortured by negative feelings of confusion, anger and pain BUT to be replaced with something better. Okay let us face it. Everytime there is a bitter conversation that may

What to do when the venom of misunderstanding spills? Read More »

‘Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s marriage(problems) ‘By the sea’ what do you see? A split?

Wouldn’t we all just love playing the Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt, the iconic, celebrated couple? Could the world have ever guessed there could have been sad issues simmering in their marriage too. We know them as stars, the heroes but for a minute almost as if forget they are real people, just like us.

‘Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s marriage(problems) ‘By the sea’ what do you see? A split? Read More »

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